github: add labels to bug-report issue to better identify type
[openwrt/staging/blocktrron.git] / .github / ISSUE_TEMPLATE / bug-report.yml
1 name: Bug report
2 description: Create a bug report to help us improve
3 labels:
4 - bug
5 - bug-report
6 - to-triage
7 body:
8 - type: textarea
9 id: description
10 attributes:
11 label: Describe the bug
12 description: A clear and concise description of the bug.
13 validations:
14 required: true
15 - type: input
16 id: version
17 attributes:
18 label: OpenWrt version
19 description: |
20 The OpenWrt release or commit hash where this bug occurs (use command below).
21 ```. /etc/openwrt_release && echo $DISTRIB_REVISION```
22 validations:
23 required: true
24 - type: input
25 id: release
26 attributes:
27 label: OpenWrt release
28 description: |
29 The OpenWrt release or commit hash where this bug occurs (use command below).
30 ```. /etc/openwrt_release && echo $DISTRIB_RELEASE```
31 validations:
32 required: true
33 - type: input
34 id: target
35 attributes:
36 label: OpenWrt target/subtarget
37 description: |
38 The OpenWrt target and subtarget where this bug is observed (use command below).
39 ```. /etc/openwrt_release && echo $DISTRIB_TARGET```
40 validations:
41 required: true
42 - type: input
43 id: device
44 attributes:
45 label: Device
46 description: |
47 The device exhibiting this bug (if unsure, use command below).
48 ```cat /tmp/sysinfo/model```
49 validations:
50 required: true
51 - type: dropdown
52 id: image_kind
53 attributes:
54 label: Image kind
55 options:
56 - Official downloaded image
57 - Self-built image
58 validations:
59 required: true
60 - type: textarea
61 id: reproduce
62 attributes:
63 label: Steps to reproduce
64 description: Steps to reproduce the reported behaviour.
65 - type: textarea
66 id: behaviour
67 attributes:
68 label: Actual behaviour
69 description: A clear and concise description of what actually happens.
70 - type: textarea
71 id: expected
72 attributes:
73 label: Expected behaviour
74 description: A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
75 - type: textarea
76 id: additional
77 attributes:
78 label: Additional info
79 description: Add any additional info you think might be helfpul.
80 - type: textarea
81 id: diffconfig
82 attributes:
83 label: Diffconfig
84 description: |
85 In case of a self-built image, please attach diffconfig.
86 ```./scripts/```
87 render: text
88 - type: checkboxes
89 id: terms
90 attributes:
91 label: Terms
92 description: By submitting this issue, you agree to the terms below.
93 options:
94 - label: I am reporting an issue for OpenWrt, not an unsupported fork.
95 required: true