vpnbypass: bugfix: remove non-ASCII from system log; update README
[feed/packages.git] / net / vpnbypass / files / README.md
1 # VPN Bypass
3 A simple [procd](https://openwrt.org/docs/techref/procd)-based ```vpnbypass``` service for OpenWrt/LEDE Project. This is useful if your router accesses Internet through a VPN client/tunnel, but you want specific traffic (ports, IP ranges, domains or local IP ranges) to be routed outside of this tunnel.
5 ## Features
7 - Define local ports so traffic to them is routed outside of the VPN tunnel (by default it routes Plex Media Server traffic (port 32400) outside of the VPN tunnel).
8 - Define IPs/subnets in local networks so their traffic is routed outside the VPN tunnel (by default it routes traffic from outside the VPN tunnel).
9 - Define remote IP ranges that are accessed outside the VPN tunnel (by default, LogmeIn Hamachi traffic ( is routed outside the VPN tunnel).
10 - Creates list of domain names which should be accessed outside the VPN tunnel (useful for Netflix, Hulu, etc).
11 - Does not reside in RAM -- creates `iptables` rules which are automatically updated on WAN up/down events.
12 - A companion package (`luci-app-vpnbypass`) is provided so all features may be configured from the Web UI.
13 - Proudly made in Canada, using locally-sourced electrons.
15 ## Screenshot (luci-app-vpnbypass)
17 ![screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stangri/openwrt_packages/master/screenshots/vpnbypass/screenshot02.png "screenshot")
19 ## Requirements
21 This service requires the following packages to be installed on your router: ```ipset``` and ```iptables```. Additionally, if you want to use the Domain Bypass feature, you need to install ```dnsmasq-full``` (```dnsmasq-full``` requires you uninstall ```dnsmasq``` first).
23 To fully satisfy the requirements for both IP/Port VPN Bypass and Domain Bypass features connect via ssh to your router and run the following commands:
25 ```sh
26 opkg update; opkg remove dnsmasq; opkg install ipset iptables dnsmasq-full
27 ```
29 To satisfy the requirements for just IP/Port VPN Bypass connect to your router via ssh and run the following commands:
31 ```sh
32 opkg update; opkg install ipset iptables
33 ```
35 ### Unmet dependencies
37 If you are running a development (trunk/snapshot) build of OpenWrt/LEDE Project on your router and your build is outdated (meaning that packages of the same revision/commit hash are no longer available and when you try to satisfy the [requirements](#requirements) you get errors), please flash either current LEDE release image or current development/snapshot image.
39 ## How to install
41 <!---
42 #### From Web UI/Luci
43 Navigate to System->Software page on your router and then perform the following actions:
44 1. Click "Update Lists"
45 2. Wait for the update process to finish.
46 3. In the "Download and install package:" field type ```vpnbypass luci-app-vpnbypass```
47 4. Click "OK" to install ```vpnbypass``` and ```luci-app-vpnbypass```
49 If you get an ```Unknown package 'vpnbypass'``` error, your router is not set up with the access to a repository containing these packages and you need to add the custom repository to your router first.
51 #### From console/ssh
52 --->
53 Please ensure that the [requirements](#requirements) are satisfied and install ```vpnbypass``` and ```luci-app-vpnbypass``` from the Web UI or connect to your router via ssh and run the following commands:
55 ```sh
56 opkg update
57 opkg install vpnbypass luci-app-vpnbypass
58 ```
60 If these packages are not found in the official feed/repo for your version of OpenWrt/LEDE Project, you will need to [add a custom repo to your router](https://github.com/stangri/openwrt_packages/blob/master/README.md#on-your-router) first.
62 ## Default Settings
64 The default configuration ships with the service disabled, use the Web UI to enable/start the service or run ```uci set vpnbypass.config.enabled=1; uci commit vpnbypass;```. It routes Plex Media Server traffic (port 32400) and LogmeIn Hamachi traffic ( outside of the VPN tunnel. Internet traffic from local IPs `` is also routed outside the VPN tunnel. You can safely delete these example rules if they do not apply to you.
66 ## Documentation / Discussion
68 Please head to [OpenWrt Forum](https://forum.openwrt.org/t/vpn-bypass-split-tunneling-service-luci-ui/1106) for discussions of this service.
70 ### Bypass Domains Format/Syntax
72 Domain lists should be in the following format/syntax: ```/domain1.com/domain2.com/vpnbypass```. Please do not forget the leading ```/``` and trailing ```/vpnbypass```. There is no validation if you enter something incorrectly -- it simply will not work. Please see [Notes/Known Issues](#notesknown-issues) if you wish to edit this setting manually, without using the Web UI.
74 ## What's New
76 1.3.0:
78 - No longer depends on hardcoded WAN interface name (```wan```) works with other interface names (like ```wwan```).
79 - Table ID, IPSET name and FW_MARK as well as FW_MASK can be defined in config file.
80 - Uses iptables, not ip rules for handling local IPs/ranges.
81 - More reliable creation/destruction of VPNBYPASS iptables chain.
82 - Updated Web UI enables, starts and stops the service.
84 ## Notes/Known Issues
86 1. Domains to be accessed outside of VPN tunnel are handled by dnsmasq and thus are not defined in ```/etc/config/vpnpass```, but rather in ```/etc/config/dhcp```. To add/delete/edit domains you can use VPN Bypass Web UI or you can edit ```/etc/config/dhcp``` manually or run the following commands:
88 ```sh
89 uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].ipset='/github.com/plex.tv/google.com/vpnbypass'
90 uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].ipset='/hulu.com/netflix.com/nhl.com/vpnbypass'
91 uci commit dhcp
92 /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart
93 ```
95 This feature requires ```dnsmasq-full``` to work. See the [Requirements](#requirements) section for more details.