Welcome to the LEDE project =========================== include::menu.inc[] == About The LEDE project was founded in April 2016 as an OpenWrt based spin off with a strong focus on transparency, user collaboration and decentralised structures. For a long time the OpenWrt parent project experienced infrastructure issues and declining developer participation on the base system while the community driven package ecosystem around it continued to thrive. When the number of frequently active committers reached a new low in the beginning of 2016, some OpenWrt developers decided to start a new spin-off project in an attempt to change the development processes from the ground up and reboot the project in a new, community-driven way. === Goals LEDE's stated goals are: . Building a great embedded distribution with focus on stability and functionality. . Having regular, predictable release cycles coupled with community provided device testing feedback. . Establishing transparent decision processes with broad community participation and public meetings. === Name image:logo/logo.png["The LEDE logo",role="left"] The name _LEDE_ is an abbreviation for Linux Embedded Development Environment, a reference to its flexibility and embedded buildroot origins, making it a solid choice for embedded Linux applications far beyond the wireless router and network appliance realm. _LEDE_ is also an alternation of the phrase _to lead_, describing an introductory section of a news story that is intended to entice the reader to read the full story. === Endorsement The *Wrt community is made up of many great communities all tinkering on their own mission in improving something on this planet. the Following communities have kindly decided to endorse our project. Thanks ! . none so far :-)