Update generator script
[web.git] / pages / rules.txt
1 LEDE Project Rules
2 ==================
4 include::menu.inc[]
6 == Current Rules
8 . There is two roles in the project: committer and non-committer
9 . Committers have the right to vote on general project decisions
10 . General project questions are decided with a simple majority vote
11 . Committers being unreachable for three months in a row loose their commit
12 and voting rights
13 . Commit means full commit. there is no partial or restricted commit.
14 . Frequent contributors may become committers when a simple majority among
15 existing committers agrees
16 . Votes and decisions will be made public
17 . Infrastructure should be outsourced where possible
18 . Any Infrastructure that cannot be outsourced needs to be accessible
19 by at elast 3 people.
20 . the project does not offer email accounts under the project domain
21 (apart from abuse, admin, ...)
22 . Changes to these rules require a two third majority among the committers
23 holding voting rights and shall be documented