opennds: update to version 10.3.0
[feed/routing.git] / nodogsplash / files / etc / config / nodogsplash
2 # The options available here are an adaptation of the settings used in nodogsplash.conf.
3 # See
5 config nodogsplash
6 # Set to 0 to disable nodogsplash
7 option enabled 1
9 # Set to 0 to disable hook that makes nodogsplash restart when the firewall restarts.
10 # This hook is needed as a restart of Firewall overwrites nodogsplash iptables entries.
11 option fwhook_enabled '1'
13 # WebRoot
14 # Default: /etc/nodogsplash/htdocs
15 #
16 # The local path where the splash page content resides.
17 # ie. Serve the file splash.html from this directory
18 #option webroot '/etc/nodogsplash/htdocs'
20 # Use plain configuration file
21 #option config '/etc/nodogsplash/nodogsplash.conf'
23 # Use this option to set the device nodogsplash will bind to.
24 # The value may be an interface section in /etc/config/network or a device name such as br-lan.
25 option gatewayinterface 'br-lan'
27 # GatewayPort
28 # Default: 2050
29 #
30 # Nodogsplash's own http server uses gateway address as its IP address.
31 # The port it listens to at that IP can be set here; default is 2050.
32 #
33 #option gatewayport '2050'
36 option gatewayname 'OpenWrt Nodogsplash'
37 option maxclients '250'
39 # Enables debug output (0-3)
40 #option debuglevel '1'
42 # Client timeouts in minutes
43 option preauthidletimeout '30'
44 option authidletimeout '120'
45 # Session Timeout is the interval after which clients are forced out (a value of 0 means never)
46 option sessiontimeout '1200'
48 # The interval in seconds at which nodogsplash checks client timeout status
49 option checkinterval '600'
51 # Enable BinAuth Support.
52 # If set, a program is called with several parameters on authentication (request) and deauthentication.
53 # Request for authentication:
54 # $<BinAuth> auth_client <client_mac> '<username>' '<password>'
55 #
56 # The username and password values may be empty strings and are URL encoded.
57 # The program is expected to output the number of seconds the client
58 # is to be authenticated. Zero or negative seconds will cause the authentification request
59 # to be rejected. The same goes for an exit code that is not 0.
60 # The output may contain a user specific download and upload limit in KBit/s:
61 # <seconds> <upload> <download>
62 #
63 # Called on authentication or deauthentication:
64 # $<BinAuth> <*auth|*deauth> <incoming_bytes> <outgoing_bytes> <session_start> <session_end>
65 #
66 # "client_auth": Client authenticated via this script.
67 # "client_deauth": Client deauthenticated by the client via splash page.
68 # "idle_deauth": Client was deauthenticated because of inactivity.
69 # "timeout_deauth": Client was deauthenticated because the session timed out.
70 # "ndsctl_auth": Client was authenticated manually by the ndsctl tool.
71 # "ndsctl_deauth": Client was deauthenticated by the ndsctl tool.
72 # "shutdown_deauth": Client was deauthenticated by Nodogsplash terminating.
73 #
74 # Values session_start and session_start are in seconds since 1970 or 0 for unknown/unlimited.
75 #
76 #option binauth '/bin/'
77 # Enable PreAuth Support.
78 #
79 # A simple login script is provided in the package.
80 # This generates a login page asking for usename and email address.
81 # User logins are recorded in the log file /tmp/ndslog.log
82 # Details of how the script works are contained in comments in the script itself.
83 #
84 # The Preauth program will output html code that will be served to the client by NDS
85 # Using html GET the Preauth program may call:
86 # /nodogsplash_preauth/ to ask the client for more information
87 # or
88 # /nodogsplash_auth/ to authenticate the client
89 #
90 # The Preauth program should append at least the client ip to the query string
91 # (using html input type hidden) for all calls to /nodogsplash_preauth/
92 # It must also obtain the client token using ndsctl (or the original query string if fas_secure_enabled=0)
93 # for NDS authentication when calling /nodogsplash_auth/
94 #
95 #option preauth '/usr/lib/nodogsplash/'
97 # Your router may have several interfaces, and you
98 # probably want to keep them private from the gatewayinterface.
99 # If so, you should block the entire subnets on those interfaces, e.g.:
100 #list authenticated_users 'block to'
101 #list authenticated_users 'block to'
103 # Typical ports you will probably want to open up.
104 #list authenticated_users 'allow tcp port 22'
105 #list authenticated_users 'allow tcp port 53'
106 #list authenticated_users 'allow udp port 53'
107 #list authenticated_users 'allow tcp port 80'
108 #list authenticated_users 'allow tcp port 443'
109 # Or for happy customers allow all
110 list authenticated_users 'allow all'
112 # For preauthenticated users to resolve IP addresses in their
113 # initial request not using the router itself as a DNS server,
114 # Leave commented to help prevent DNS tunnelling
115 #list preauthenticated_users 'allow tcp port 53'
116 #list preauthenticated_users 'allow udp port 53'
118 # Allow ports for SSH/Telnet/DNS/DHCP/HTTP/HTTPS
119 list users_to_router 'allow tcp port 22'
120 list users_to_router 'allow tcp port 23'
121 list users_to_router 'allow tcp port 53'
122 list users_to_router 'allow udp port 53'
123 list users_to_router 'allow udp port 67'
124 list users_to_router 'allow tcp port 80'
126 # MAC addresses that are / are not allowed to access the splash page
127 # Value is either 'allow' or 'block'. The allowedmac or blockedmac list is used.
128 #option macmechanism 'allow'
129 #list allowedmac '00:00:C0:01:D0:0D'
130 #list allowedmac '00:00:C0:01:D0:1D'
131 #list blockedmac '00:00:C0:01:D0:2D'
133 # MAC addresses that do not need to authenticate
134 #list trustedmac '00:00:C0:01:D0:1D'
136 # Nodogsplash uses specific HEXADECIMAL values to mark packets used by iptables as a bitwise mask.
137 # This mask can conflict with the requirements of other packages such as mwan3, sqm etc
138 # Any values set here are interpreted as in hex format.
139 #
140 # List: fw_mark_authenticated
141 # Default: 30000 (0011|0000|0000|0000|0000 binary)
142 #
143 # List: fw_mark_trusted
144 # Default: 20000 (0010|0000|0000|0000|0000 binary)
145 #
146 # List: fw_mark_blocked
147 # Default: 10000 (0001|0000|0000|0000|0000 binary)
148 #
149 #option fw_mark_authenticated '30000'
150 #option fw_mark_trusted '20000'
151 #option fw_mark_blocked '10000'