s/strdup/xstrdup/ - check memory allocations for failure.
[project/opkg-lede.git] / libopkg / pkg_depends.c
1 /* pkg_depends.c - the opkg package management system
3 Steven M. Ayer
5 Copyright (C) 2002 Compaq Computer Corporation
7 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
9 published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
10 your option) any later version.
12 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 General Public License for more details.
16 */
18 #include "includes.h"
19 #include <errno.h>
20 #include <ctype.h>
22 #include "pkg.h"
23 #include "opkg_utils.h"
24 #include "pkg_hash.h"
25 #include "opkg_message.h"
26 #include "pkg_parse.h"
27 #include "hash_table.h"
28 #include "libbb/libbb.h"
30 static int parseDepends(compound_depend_t *compound_depend, hash_table_t * hash, char * depend_str);
31 static depend_t * depend_init(void);
32 static void depend_deinit(depend_t *d);
33 static char ** add_unresolved_dep(pkg_t * pkg, char ** the_lost, int ref_ndx);
34 static char ** merge_unresolved(char ** oldstuff, char ** newstuff);
35 static int is_pkg_in_pkg_vec(pkg_vec_t * vec, pkg_t * pkg);
37 static int pkg_installed_and_constraint_satisfied(pkg_t *pkg, void *cdata)
38 {
39 depend_t *depend = (depend_t *)cdata;
40 if ((pkg->state_status == SS_INSTALLED || pkg->state_status == SS_UNPACKED) && version_constraints_satisfied(depend, pkg))
41 return 1;
42 else
43 return 0;
44 }
46 static int pkg_constraint_satisfied(pkg_t *pkg, void *cdata)
47 {
48 depend_t *depend = (depend_t *)cdata;
49 if (version_constraints_satisfied(depend, pkg))
50 return 1;
51 else
52 return 0;
53 }
55 /* returns ndependences or negative error value */
56 int pkg_hash_fetch_unsatisfied_dependencies(opkg_conf_t *conf, pkg_t * pkg,
57 pkg_vec_t *unsatisfied, char *** unresolved)
58 {
59 pkg_t * satisfier_entry_pkg;
60 int i, j, k;
61 int count, found;
62 char ** the_lost;
63 abstract_pkg_t * ab_pkg;
65 /*
66 * this is a setup to check for redundant/cyclic dependency checks,
67 * which are marked at the abstract_pkg level
68 */
69 if (!(ab_pkg = pkg->parent)) {
70 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: something terribly wrong with pkg %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, pkg->name);
71 *unresolved = NULL;
72 return 0;
73 }
74 if (ab_pkg->dependencies_checked) { /* avoid duplicate or cyclic checks */
75 *unresolved = NULL;
76 return 0;
77 } else {
78 ab_pkg->dependencies_checked = 1; /* mark it for subsequent visits */
79 }
80 /**/
82 count = pkg->pre_depends_count + pkg->depends_count + pkg->recommends_count + pkg->suggests_count;
83 if (!count){
84 *unresolved = NULL;
85 return 0;
86 }
88 the_lost = NULL;
90 /* foreach dependency */
91 for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
92 compound_depend_t * compound_depend = &pkg->depends[i];
93 depend_t ** possible_satisfiers = compound_depend->possibilities;;
94 found = 0;
95 satisfier_entry_pkg = NULL;
97 if (compound_depend->type == GREEDY_DEPEND) {
98 /* foreach possible satisfier */
99 for (j = 0; j < compound_depend->possibility_count; j++) {
100 /* foreach provided_by, which includes the abstract_pkg itself */
101 abstract_pkg_t *abpkg = possible_satisfiers[j]->pkg;
102 abstract_pkg_vec_t *ab_provider_vec = abpkg->provided_by;
103 int nposs = ab_provider_vec->len;
104 abstract_pkg_t **ab_providers = ab_provider_vec->pkgs;
105 int l;
106 for (l = 0; l < nposs; l++) {
107 pkg_vec_t *test_vec = ab_providers[l]->pkgs;
108 /* if no depends on this one, try the first package that Provides this one */
109 if (!test_vec){ /* no pkg_vec hooked up to the abstract_pkg! (need another feed?) */
110 continue;
111 }
113 /* cruise this possiblity's pkg_vec looking for an installed version */
114 for (k = 0; k < test_vec->len; k++) {
115 pkg_t *pkg_scout = test_vec->pkgs[k];
116 /* not installed, and not already known about? */
117 if ((pkg_scout->state_want != SW_INSTALL)
118 && !pkg_scout->parent->dependencies_checked
119 && !is_pkg_in_pkg_vec(unsatisfied, pkg_scout)) {
120 char ** newstuff = NULL;
121 int rc;
122 pkg_vec_t *tmp_vec = pkg_vec_alloc ();
123 /* check for not-already-installed dependencies */
124 rc = pkg_hash_fetch_unsatisfied_dependencies(conf,
125 pkg_scout,
126 tmp_vec,
127 &newstuff);
128 if (newstuff == NULL) {
129 int i;
130 int ok = 1;
131 for (i = 0; i < rc; i++) {
132 pkg_t *p = tmp_vec->pkgs[i];
133 if (p->state_want == SW_INSTALL)
134 continue;
135 opkg_message(conf, OPKG_DEBUG, "not installing %s due to requirement for %s\n", pkg_scout->name, p->name);
136 ok = 0;
137 break;
138 }
139 pkg_vec_free (tmp_vec);
140 if (ok) {
141 /* mark this one for installation */
142 opkg_message(conf, OPKG_NOTICE, "Adding satisfier for greedy dependence: %s\n", pkg_scout->name);
143 pkg_vec_insert(unsatisfied, pkg_scout);
144 }
145 } else {
146 opkg_message(conf, OPKG_DEBUG, "not installing %s due to broken depends \n", pkg_scout->name);
147 free (newstuff);
148 }
149 }
150 }
151 }
152 }
154 continue;
155 }
157 /* foreach possible satisfier, look for installed package */
158 for (j = 0; j < compound_depend->possibility_count; j++) {
159 /* foreach provided_by, which includes the abstract_pkg itself */
160 depend_t *dependence_to_satisfy = possible_satisfiers[j];
161 abstract_pkg_t *satisfying_apkg = possible_satisfiers[j]->pkg;
162 pkg_t *satisfying_pkg =
163 pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate(conf, satisfying_apkg,
164 pkg_installed_and_constraint_satisfied,
165 dependence_to_satisfy, 1, NULL);
166 /* Being that I can't test constraing in pkg_hash, I will test it here */
167 if (satisfying_pkg != NULL) {
168 if (!pkg_installed_and_constraint_satisfied ( satisfying_pkg,dependence_to_satisfy)) {
169 satisfying_pkg = NULL;
170 }
171 }
172 opkg_message(conf, OPKG_DEBUG, "%s:%d: satisfying_pkg=%p \n", __FILE__, __LINE__, satisfying_pkg);
173 if (satisfying_pkg != NULL) {
174 found = 1;
175 break;
176 }
178 }
179 /* if nothing installed matches, then look for uninstalled satisfier */
180 if (!found) {
181 /* foreach possible satisfier, look for installed package */
182 for (j = 0; j < compound_depend->possibility_count; j++) {
183 /* foreach provided_by, which includes the abstract_pkg itself */
184 depend_t *dependence_to_satisfy = possible_satisfiers[j];
185 abstract_pkg_t *satisfying_apkg = possible_satisfiers[j]->pkg;
186 pkg_t *satisfying_pkg =
187 pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate(conf, satisfying_apkg,
188 pkg_constraint_satisfied,
189 dependence_to_satisfy, 1, NULL);
190 /* Being that I can't test constraing in pkg_hash, I will test it here too */
191 if (satisfying_pkg != NULL) {
192 if (!pkg_constraint_satisfied ( satisfying_pkg,dependence_to_satisfy)) {
193 satisfying_pkg = NULL;
194 }
195 }
197 /* user request overrides package recommendation */
198 if (satisfying_pkg != NULL
199 && (compound_depend->type == RECOMMEND || compound_depend->type == SUGGEST)
200 && (satisfying_pkg->state_want == SW_DEINSTALL || satisfying_pkg->state_want == SW_PURGE)) {
201 opkg_message (conf, OPKG_NOTICE, "%s: ignoring recommendation for %s at user request\n",
202 pkg->name, satisfying_pkg->name);
203 continue;
204 }
206 opkg_message(conf, OPKG_DEBUG, "%s:%d: satisfying_pkg=%p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, satisfying_pkg);
207 if (satisfying_pkg != NULL) {
208 satisfier_entry_pkg = satisfying_pkg;
209 break;
210 }
211 }
212 }
214 /* we didn't find one, add something to the unsatisfied vector */
215 if (!found) {
216 if (!satisfier_entry_pkg) {
217 /* failure to meet recommendations is not an error */
218 if (compound_depend->type != RECOMMEND && compound_depend->type != SUGGEST)
219 the_lost = add_unresolved_dep(pkg, the_lost, i);
220 else
221 opkg_message (conf, OPKG_NOTICE, "%s: unsatisfied recommendation for %s\n",
222 pkg->name, compound_depend->possibilities[0]->pkg->name);
223 }
224 else {
225 if (compound_depend->type == SUGGEST) {
226 /* just mention it politely */
227 opkg_message (conf, OPKG_NOTICE, "package %s suggests installing %s\n",
228 pkg->name, satisfier_entry_pkg->name);
229 } else {
230 char ** newstuff = NULL;
232 if (satisfier_entry_pkg != pkg &&
233 !is_pkg_in_pkg_vec(unsatisfied, satisfier_entry_pkg)) {
234 pkg_vec_insert(unsatisfied, satisfier_entry_pkg);
235 pkg_hash_fetch_unsatisfied_dependencies(conf,
236 satisfier_entry_pkg,
237 unsatisfied,
238 &newstuff);
239 the_lost = merge_unresolved(the_lost, newstuff);
240 }
241 }
242 }
243 }
244 }
245 *unresolved = the_lost;
247 return unsatisfied->len;
248 }
250 /*checking for conflicts !in replaces
251 If a packages conflicts with another but is also replacing it, I should not consider it a
252 really conflicts
253 returns 0 if conflicts <> replaces or 1 if conflicts == replaces
254 */
255 int is_pkg_a_replaces(pkg_t *pkg_scout,pkg_t *pkg)
256 {
257 int i ;
258 int replaces_count = pkg->replaces_count;
259 abstract_pkg_t **replaces;
261 if (pkg->replaces_count==0) // No replaces, it's surely a conflict
262 return 0;
264 replaces = pkg->replaces;
266 for (i = 0; i < replaces_count; i++) {
267 if (strcmp(pkg_scout->name,pkg->replaces[i]->name)==0) { // Found
268 opkg_message(NULL, OPKG_DEBUG2, "Seems I've found a replace %s %s \n",pkg_scout->name,pkg->replaces[i]->name);
269 return 1;
270 }
271 }
272 return 0;
274 }
277 /* Abhaya: added support for conflicts */
278 pkg_vec_t * pkg_hash_fetch_conflicts(hash_table_t * hash, pkg_t * pkg)
279 {
280 pkg_vec_t * installed_conflicts, * test_vec;
281 compound_depend_t * conflicts;
282 depend_t ** possible_satisfiers;
283 depend_t * possible_satisfier;
284 int i, j, k;
285 int count;
286 abstract_pkg_t * ab_pkg;
287 pkg_t **pkg_scouts;
288 pkg_t *pkg_scout;
290 /*
291 * this is a setup to check for redundant/cyclic dependency checks,
292 * which are marked at the abstract_pkg level
293 */
294 if(!(ab_pkg = pkg->parent)){
295 fprintf(stderr, "dependency check error. pkg %s isn't in hash table\n", pkg->name);
296 return (pkg_vec_t *)NULL;
297 }
299 conflicts = pkg->conflicts;
300 if(!conflicts){
301 return (pkg_vec_t *)NULL;
302 }
303 installed_conflicts = pkg_vec_alloc();
305 count = pkg->conflicts_count;
309 /* foreach conflict */
310 for(i = 0; i < pkg->conflicts_count; i++){
312 possible_satisfiers = conflicts->possibilities;
314 /* foreach possible satisfier */
315 for(j = 0; j < conflicts->possibility_count; j++){
316 possible_satisfier = possible_satisfiers[j];
317 if (!possible_satisfier)
318 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: possible_satisfier is null\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
319 if (!possible_satisfier->pkg)
320 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: possible_satisfier->pkg is null\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
321 test_vec = possible_satisfier->pkg->pkgs;
322 if (test_vec) {
323 /* pkg_vec found, it is an actual package conflict
324 * cruise this possiblity's pkg_vec looking for an installed version */
325 pkg_scouts = test_vec->pkgs;
326 for(k = 0; k < test_vec->len; k++){
327 pkg_scout = pkg_scouts[k];
328 if (!pkg_scout) {
329 fprintf(stderr, "%s: null pkg scout\n", __FUNCTION__);
330 continue;
331 }
332 if ((pkg_scout->state_status == SS_INSTALLED || pkg_scout->state_want == SW_INSTALL) &&
333 version_constraints_satisfied(possible_satisfier, pkg_scout) && !is_pkg_a_replaces(pkg_scout,pkg)){
334 if (!is_pkg_in_pkg_vec(installed_conflicts, pkg_scout)){
335 pkg_vec_insert(installed_conflicts, pkg_scout);
336 }
337 }
338 }
339 }
340 }
341 conflicts++;
342 }
344 if (installed_conflicts->len)
345 return installed_conflicts;
346 pkg_vec_free(installed_conflicts);
347 return (pkg_vec_t *)NULL;
348 }
350 int version_constraints_satisfied(depend_t * depends, pkg_t * pkg)
351 {
352 pkg_t * temp;
353 int comparison;
355 if(depends->constraint == NONE)
356 return 1;
358 temp = pkg_new();
360 parseVersion(temp, depends->version);
362 comparison = pkg_compare_versions(pkg, temp);
364 free (temp->version);
365 free(temp);
367 if((depends->constraint == EARLIER) &&
368 (comparison < 0))
369 return 1;
370 else if((depends->constraint == LATER) &&
371 (comparison > 0))
372 return 1;
373 else if(comparison == 0)
374 return 1;
375 else if((depends->constraint == LATER_EQUAL) &&
376 (comparison >= 0))
377 return 1;
378 else if((depends->constraint == EARLIER_EQUAL) &&
379 (comparison <= 0))
380 return 1;
382 return 0;
383 }
385 int pkg_dependence_satisfiable(opkg_conf_t *conf, depend_t *depend)
386 {
387 abstract_pkg_t *apkg = depend->pkg;
388 abstract_pkg_vec_t *provider_apkgs = apkg->provided_by;
389 int n_providers = provider_apkgs->len;
390 abstract_pkg_t **apkgs = provider_apkgs->pkgs;
391 pkg_vec_t *pkg_vec;
392 int n_pkgs ;
393 int i;
394 int j;
396 for (i = 0; i < n_providers; i++) {
397 abstract_pkg_t *papkg = apkgs[i];
398 pkg_vec = papkg->pkgs;
399 if (pkg_vec) {
400 n_pkgs = pkg_vec->len;
401 for (j = 0; j < n_pkgs; j++) {
402 pkg_t *pkg = pkg_vec->pkgs[j];
403 if (version_constraints_satisfied(depend, pkg)) {
404 return 1;
405 }
406 }
407 }
408 }
409 return 0;
410 }
412 int pkg_dependence_satisfied(opkg_conf_t *conf, depend_t *depend)
413 {
414 abstract_pkg_t *apkg = depend->pkg;
415 abstract_pkg_vec_t *provider_apkgs = apkg->provided_by;
416 int n_providers = provider_apkgs->len;
417 abstract_pkg_t **apkgs = provider_apkgs->pkgs;
418 int i;
419 int n_pkgs;
420 int j;
422 for (i = 0; i < n_providers; i++) {
423 abstract_pkg_t *papkg = apkgs[i];
424 pkg_vec_t *pkg_vec = papkg->pkgs;
425 if (pkg_vec) {
426 n_pkgs = pkg_vec->len;
427 for (j = 0; j < n_pkgs; j++) {
428 pkg_t *pkg = pkg_vec->pkgs[j];
429 if (version_constraints_satisfied(depend, pkg)) {
430 if (pkg->state_status == SS_INSTALLED || pkg->state_status == SS_UNPACKED)
431 return 1;
432 }
433 }
434 }
435 }
436 return 0;
437 }
439 static int is_pkg_in_pkg_vec(pkg_vec_t * vec, pkg_t * pkg)
440 {
441 int i;
442 pkg_t ** pkgs = vec->pkgs;
444 for(i = 0; i < vec->len; i++)
445 if((strcmp(pkg->name, (*(pkgs + i))->name) == 0)
446 && (pkg_compare_versions(pkg, *(pkgs + i)) == 0)
447 && (strcmp(pkg->architecture, (*(pkgs + i))->architecture) == 0))
448 return 1;
449 return 0;
450 }
453 #ifdef DeadCode
454 /**
455 * pkg_has_common_provides returns 1 if pkg and replacee both provide
456 * the same abstract package and 0 otherwise.
457 */
458 int pkg_has_common_provides(pkg_t *pkg, pkg_t *replacee)
459 {
460 abstract_pkg_t **provides = pkg->provides;
461 int provides_count = pkg->provides_count;
462 abstract_pkg_t **replacee_provides = replacee->provides;
463 int replacee_provides_count = replacee->provides_count;
464 int i, j;
465 for (i = 0; i < provides_count; i++) {
466 abstract_pkg_t *apkg = provides[i];
467 for (j = 0; j < replacee_provides_count; j++) {
468 abstract_pkg_t *replacee_apkg = replacee_provides[i];
469 if (apkg == replacee_apkg)
470 return 1;
471 }
472 }
473 return 0;
474 }
475 #endif
477 /**
478 * pkg_provides_abstract returns 1 if pkg->provides contains providee
479 * and 0 otherwise.
480 */
481 int pkg_provides_abstract(pkg_t *pkg, abstract_pkg_t *providee)
482 {
483 abstract_pkg_t **provides = pkg->provides;
484 int provides_count = pkg->provides_count;
485 int i;
486 for (i = 0; i < provides_count; i++) {
487 if (provides[i] == providee)
488 return 1;
489 }
490 return 0;
491 }
493 /**
494 * pkg_replaces returns 1 if pkg->replaces contains one of replacee's provides and 0
495 * otherwise.
496 */
497 int pkg_replaces(pkg_t *pkg, pkg_t *replacee)
498 {
499 abstract_pkg_t **replaces = pkg->replaces;
500 int replaces_count = pkg->replaces_count;
501 /* abstract_pkg_t **replacee_provides = pkg->provides;
502 int replacee_provides_count = pkg->provides_count; */
503 int i, j;
504 for (i = 0; i < replaces_count; i++) {
505 abstract_pkg_t *abstract_replacee = replaces[i];
506 for (j = 0; j < replaces_count; j++) {
507 /* opkg_message(NULL, OPKG_DEBUG2, "Searching pkg-name %s repprovname %s absrepname %s \n",
508 pkg->name,replacee->provides[j]->name, abstract_replacee->name); */
509 if (replacee->provides[j] == abstract_replacee)
510 return 1;
511 }
512 }
513 return 0;
514 }
517 /**
518 * pkg_conflicts_abstract returns 1 if pkg->conflicts contains conflictee and 0
519 * otherwise.
520 */
521 int pkg_conflicts_abstract(pkg_t *pkg, abstract_pkg_t *conflictee)
522 {
523 compound_depend_t *conflicts = pkg->conflicts;
524 int conflicts_count = pkg->conflicts_count;
525 int i, j;
526 for (i = 0; i < conflicts_count; i++) {
527 int possibility_count = conflicts[i].possibility_count;
528 struct depend **possibilities = conflicts[i].possibilities;
529 for (j = 0; j < possibility_count; j++) {
530 if (possibilities[j]->pkg == conflictee) {
531 return 1;
532 }
533 }
534 }
535 return 0;
536 }
538 /**
539 * pkg_conflicts returns 1 if pkg->conflicts contains one of
540 * conflictee's provides and 0 otherwise.
541 */
542 int pkg_conflicts(pkg_t *pkg, pkg_t *conflictee)
543 {
544 compound_depend_t *conflicts = pkg->conflicts;
545 int conflicts_count = pkg->conflicts_count;
546 abstract_pkg_t **conflictee_provides = conflictee->provides;
547 int conflictee_provides_count = conflictee->provides_count;
548 int i, j, k;
549 int possibility_count;
550 struct depend **possibilities;
551 abstract_pkg_t *possibility ;
553 for (i = 0; i < conflicts_count; i++) {
554 possibility_count = conflicts[i].possibility_count;
555 possibilities = conflicts[i].possibilities;
556 for (j = 0; j < possibility_count; j++) {
557 possibility = possibilities[j]->pkg;
558 for (k = 0; k < conflictee_provides_count; k++) {
559 if (possibility == conflictee_provides[k]) {
560 return 1;
561 }
562 }
563 }
564 }
565 return 0;
566 }
568 static char ** merge_unresolved(char ** oldstuff, char ** newstuff)
569 {
570 int oldlen = 0, newlen = 0;
571 char ** result;
572 int i, j;
574 if(!newstuff)
575 return oldstuff;
577 while(oldstuff && oldstuff[oldlen]) oldlen++;
578 while(newstuff && newstuff[newlen]) newlen++;
580 result = (char **)realloc(oldstuff, sizeof(char *) * (oldlen + newlen + 1));
581 if (result == NULL) {
582 fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", __FUNCTION__);
583 return NULL;
584 }
586 for(i = oldlen, j = 0; i < (oldlen + newlen); i++, j++)
587 *(result + i) = *(newstuff + j);
589 *(result + i) = NULL;
591 return result;
592 }
594 /*
595 * a kinda kludgy way to back out depends str from two different arrays (reg'l'r 'n pre)
596 * this is null terminated, no count is carried around
597 */
598 char ** add_unresolved_dep(pkg_t * pkg, char ** the_lost, int ref_ndx)
599 {
600 int count;
601 char ** resized;
602 char *depend_str = pkg_depend_str(pkg, ref_ndx);
604 count = 0;
605 while(the_lost && the_lost[count]) count++;
607 count++; /* need one to hold the null */
608 resized = (char **)realloc(the_lost, sizeof(char *) * (count + 1));
609 if (resized == NULL) {
610 fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", __FUNCTION__);
611 return NULL;
612 }
613 resized[count - 1] = xstrdup(depend_str);
614 resized[count] = NULL;
616 return resized;
617 }
619 void printDepends(pkg_t * pkg)
620 {
621 int i, j;
622 compound_depend_t * depend;
623 int count;
625 count = pkg->pre_depends_count + pkg->depends_count;
627 depend = pkg->depends;
628 if(!depend){
629 fprintf(stderr, "Depends pointer is NULL\n");
630 return;
631 }
632 for(i = 0; i < count; i++){
633 fprintf(stderr, "%s has %d possibilities:\n",
634 (depend->type == GREEDY_DEPEND) ? "Greedy-Depend" : ((depend->type == DEPEND) ? "Depend" : "Pre-Depend"),
635 depend->possibility_count);
636 for(j = 0; j < depend->possibility_count; j++)
637 fprintf(stderr, "\t%s version %s (%d)\n",
638 depend->possibilities[j]->pkg->name,
639 depend->possibilities[j]->version,
640 depend->possibilities[j]->constraint);
641 depend++;
642 }
643 }
645 int buildProvides(hash_table_t * hash, abstract_pkg_t * ab_pkg, pkg_t * pkg)
646 {
647 int i, j;
649 /* every pkg provides itself */
650 abstract_pkg_vec_insert(ab_pkg->provided_by, ab_pkg);
652 if (!pkg->provides_count)
653 return 0;
654 if (pkg->provides)
655 return 0;
657 pkg->provides = (abstract_pkg_t **)calloc((pkg->provides_count + 1), sizeof(abstract_pkg_t *));
658 if (pkg->provides == NULL) {
659 fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", __FUNCTION__);
660 return -1 ;
661 }
662 pkg->provides[0] = ab_pkg;
664 // if (strcmp(ab_pkg->name, pkg->name))
665 // fprintf(stderr, __FUNCTION__ ": ab_pkg=%s pkg=%s\n", ab_pkg->name, pkg->name);
667 for(i = 0; i < pkg->provides_count; i++){
668 abstract_pkg_t *provided_abpkg = ensure_abstract_pkg_by_name(hash, pkg->provides_str[i]);
670 pkg->provides[i+1] = provided_abpkg;
672 j = 0;
673 abstract_pkg_vec_insert(provided_abpkg->provided_by, ab_pkg);
674 }
675 return 0;
676 }
678 /* Abhaya: added conflicts support */
679 int buildConflicts(hash_table_t * hash, abstract_pkg_t * ab_pkg, pkg_t * pkg)
680 {
681 int i;
682 compound_depend_t * conflicts;
684 if (!pkg->conflicts_count)
685 return 0;
687 conflicts = pkg->conflicts = calloc(pkg->conflicts_count, sizeof(compound_depend_t));
688 if (conflicts == NULL) {
689 fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", __FUNCTION__);
690 return -1;
691 }
692 for (i = 0; i < pkg->conflicts_count; i++) {
693 conflicts->type = CONFLICTS;
694 parseDepends(conflicts, hash,
695 pkg->conflicts_str[i]);
696 conflicts++;
697 }
698 return 0;
699 }
701 int buildReplaces(hash_table_t * hash, abstract_pkg_t * ab_pkg, pkg_t * pkg)
702 {
703 int i, j;
705 if (!pkg->replaces_count)
706 return 0;
708 pkg->replaces = (abstract_pkg_t **)calloc(pkg->replaces_count, sizeof(abstract_pkg_t *));
709 if (pkg->replaces == NULL) {
710 fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", __FUNCTION__);
711 return -1;
712 }
714 for(i = 0; i < pkg->replaces_count; i++){
715 abstract_pkg_t *old_abpkg = ensure_abstract_pkg_by_name(hash, pkg->replaces_str[i]);
717 pkg->replaces[i] = old_abpkg;
719 j = 0;
720 if (!old_abpkg->replaced_by)
721 old_abpkg->replaced_by = abstract_pkg_vec_alloc();
722 if ( old_abpkg->replaced_by == NULL ){
723 return -1;
724 }
725 /* if a package pkg both replaces and conflicts old_abpkg,
726 * then add it to the replaced_by vector so that old_abpkg
727 * will be upgraded to ab_pkg automatically */
728 if (pkg_conflicts_abstract(pkg, old_abpkg))
729 abstract_pkg_vec_insert(old_abpkg->replaced_by, ab_pkg);
730 }
731 return 0;
732 }
734 int buildDepends(hash_table_t * hash, pkg_t * pkg)
735 {
736 int count;
737 int i;
738 compound_depend_t * depends;
740 if(!(count = pkg->pre_depends_count + pkg->depends_count + pkg->recommends_count + pkg->suggests_count))
741 return 0;
743 if (0 && pkg->pre_depends_count)
744 fprintf(stderr, "pkg=%s pre_depends_count=%d depends_count=%d\n",
745 pkg->name, pkg->pre_depends_count, pkg->depends_count);
746 depends = pkg->depends = calloc(count, sizeof(compound_depend_t));
747 if (depends == NULL) {
748 fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", __FUNCTION__);
749 return -1;
750 }
753 for(i = 0; i < pkg->pre_depends_count; i++){
754 parseDepends(depends, hash, pkg->pre_depends_str[i]);
755 if (0 && pkg->pre_depends_count)
756 fprintf(stderr, " pre_depends_str=%s depends=%p possibility_count=%x\n",
757 pkg->pre_depends_str[i], depends, depends->possibility_count);
758 depends->type = PREDEPEND;
759 depends++;
760 }
762 for(i = 0; i < pkg->recommends_count; i++){
763 parseDepends(depends, hash, pkg->recommends_str[i]);
764 if (0 && pkg->recommends_count)
765 fprintf(stderr, " recommends_str=%s depends=%p possibility_count=%x\n",
766 pkg->recommends_str[i], depends, depends->possibility_count);
767 depends->type = RECOMMEND;
768 depends++;
769 }
771 for(i = 0; i < pkg->suggests_count; i++){
772 parseDepends(depends, hash, pkg->suggests_str[i]);
773 if (0 && pkg->suggests_count)
774 fprintf(stderr, " suggests_str=%s depends=%p possibility_count=%x\n",
775 pkg->suggests_str[i], depends, depends->possibility_count);
776 depends->type = SUGGEST;
777 depends++;
778 }
780 for(i = 0; i < pkg->depends_count; i++){
781 parseDepends(depends, hash, pkg->depends_str[i]);
782 if (0 && pkg->depends_count)
783 fprintf(stderr, " depends_str=%s depends=%p possibility_count=%x\n",
784 pkg->depends_str[i], depends, depends->possibility_count);
785 depends++;
786 }
787 return 0;
788 }
790 /*
791 * pkg_depend_string: returns the depends string specified by index.
792 * All 4 kinds of dependences: dependence, pre-dependence, recommend, and suggest are number starting from 0.
793 * [0,npredepends) -> returns pre_depends_str[index]
794 * [npredepends,npredepends+nrecommends) -> returns recommends_str[index]
795 * [npredepends+nrecommends,npredepends+nrecommends+nsuggests) -> returns recommends_str[index]
796 * [npredepends+nrecommends+nsuggests,npredepends+nrecommends+nsuggests+ndepends) -> returns depends_str[index]
797 */
798 char *pkg_depend_str(pkg_t *pkg, int index)
799 {
800 if (index < pkg->pre_depends_count) {
801 return pkg->pre_depends_str[index];
802 }
803 index -= pkg->pre_depends_count;
805 if (index < pkg->recommends_count) {
806 return pkg->recommends_str[index];
807 }
808 index -= pkg->recommends_count;
810 if (index < pkg->suggests_count) {
811 return pkg->suggests_str[index];
812 }
813 index -= pkg->suggests_count;
815 if (index < pkg->depends_count) {
816 return pkg->depends_str[index];
817 }
818 fprintf(stderr, "pkg_depend_str: index %d out of range for pkg=%s\n", index, pkg->name);
819 return NULL;
820 }
822 void freeDepends(pkg_t *pkg)
823 {
824 int i;
826 if (pkg == NULL || pkg->depends == NULL) {
827 return;
828 }
830 fprintf(stderr, "Freeing depends=%p\n", pkg->depends);
831 for (i=0; i < pkg->depends->possibility_count; i++) {
832 depend_deinit(pkg->depends->possibilities[i]);
833 }
834 free(pkg->depends->possibilities);
835 free(pkg->depends);
836 pkg->depends = NULL;
837 }
839 void buildDependedUponBy(pkg_t * pkg, abstract_pkg_t * ab_pkg)
840 {
841 compound_depend_t * depends;
842 int count, othercount;
843 int i, j;
844 abstract_pkg_t * ab_depend;
845 abstract_pkg_t ** temp;
847 count = pkg->pre_depends_count + pkg->depends_count;
848 depends = pkg->depends;
850 if (0 && pkg->pre_depends_count)
851 fprintf(stderr, "pkg=%s pre_depends_count=%d depends_count=%d\n",
852 pkg->name, pkg->pre_depends_count, pkg->depends_count);
853 for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
854 if (0 && pkg->pre_depends_count)
855 fprintf(stderr, " i=%d possibility_count=%x depends=%p\n", i, depends->possibility_count, depends);
856 for (j = 0; j < depends->possibility_count; j++){
857 ab_depend = depends->possibilities[j]->pkg;
858 if(!ab_depend->depended_upon_by)
859 ab_depend->depended_upon_by = (abstract_pkg_t **)calloc(1, sizeof(abstract_pkg_t *));
861 temp = ab_depend->depended_upon_by;
862 othercount = 1;
863 while(*temp){
864 temp++;
865 othercount++;
866 }
867 *temp = ab_pkg;
869 ab_depend->depended_upon_by = (abstract_pkg_t **)realloc(ab_depend->depended_upon_by,
870 (othercount + 1) * sizeof(abstract_pkg_t *));
871 /* the array may have moved */
872 temp = ab_depend->depended_upon_by + othercount;
873 *temp = NULL;
874 }
875 depends++;
876 }
877 }
879 static depend_t * depend_init(void)
880 {
881 depend_t * d = (depend_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(depend_t));
882 if ( d==NULL ){
883 fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", __FUNCTION__);
884 return NULL;
885 }
886 d->constraint = NONE;
887 d->version = NULL;
888 d->pkg = NULL;
890 return d;
891 }
893 static void depend_deinit(depend_t *d)
894 {
895 free(d);
896 }
898 static int parseDepends(compound_depend_t *compound_depend,
899 hash_table_t * hash, char * depend_str)
900 {
901 char * pkg_name, buffer[2048];
902 int num_of_ors = 0;
903 int i;
904 char * src, * dest;
905 depend_t ** possibilities;
907 /* first count the number of ored possibilities for satisfying dependency */
908 src = depend_str;
909 while(*src)
910 if(*src++ == '|')
911 num_of_ors++;
913 compound_depend->type = DEPEND;
915 compound_depend->possibility_count = num_of_ors + 1;
916 possibilities = (depend_t **)calloc((num_of_ors + 1), sizeof(depend_t *) );
917 if (!possibilities)
918 return -ENOMEM;
919 compound_depend->possibilities = possibilities;
921 src = depend_str;
922 for(i = 0; i < num_of_ors + 1; i++){
923 possibilities[i] = depend_init();
924 if (!possibilities[i])
925 return -ENOMEM;
926 /* gobble up just the name first */
927 dest = buffer;
928 while(*src &&
929 !isspace(*src) &&
930 (*src != '(') &&
931 (*src != '*') &&
932 (*src != '|'))
933 *dest++ = *src++;
934 *dest = '\0';
935 pkg_name = trim_alloc(buffer);
936 if (pkg_name == NULL )
937 return -ENOMEM;
939 /* now look at possible version info */
941 /* skip to next chars */
942 if(isspace(*src))
943 while(*src && isspace(*src)) src++;
945 /* extract constraint and version */
946 if(*src == '('){
947 src++;
948 if(!strncmp(src, "<<", 2)){
949 possibilities[i]->constraint = EARLIER;
950 src += 2;
951 }
952 else if(!strncmp(src, "<=", 2)){
953 possibilities[i]->constraint = EARLIER_EQUAL;
954 src += 2;
955 }
956 else if(!strncmp(src, ">=", 2)){
957 possibilities[i]->constraint = LATER_EQUAL;
958 src += 2;
959 }
960 else if(!strncmp(src, ">>", 2)){
961 possibilities[i]->constraint = LATER;
962 src += 2;
963 }
964 else if(!strncmp(src, "=", 1)){
965 possibilities[i]->constraint = EQUAL;
966 src++;
967 }
968 /* should these be here to support deprecated designations; dpkg does */
969 else if(!strncmp(src, "<", 1)){
970 possibilities[i]->constraint = EARLIER_EQUAL;
971 src++;
972 }
973 else if(!strncmp(src, ">", 1)){
974 possibilities[i]->constraint = LATER_EQUAL;
975 src++;
976 }
978 /* now we have any constraint, pass space to version string */
979 while(isspace(*src)) src++;
981 /* this would be the version string */
982 dest = buffer;
983 while(*src && *src != ')')
984 *dest++ = *src++;
985 *dest = '\0';
987 possibilities[i]->version = trim_alloc(buffer);
988 /* fprintf(stderr, "let's print the depends version string:");
989 fprintf(stderr, "version %s\n", possibilities[i]->version);*/
990 if (possibilities[i]->version == NULL )
991 return -ENOMEM;
994 }
995 /* hook up the dependency to its abstract pkg */
996 possibilities[i]->pkg = ensure_abstract_pkg_by_name(hash, pkg_name);
998 free(pkg_name);
1000 /* now get past the ) and any possible | chars */
1001 while(*src &&
1002 (isspace(*src) ||
1003 (*src == ')') ||
1004 (*src == '|')))
1005 src++;
1006 if (*src == '*')
1007 {
1008 compound_depend->type = GREEDY_DEPEND;
1009 src++;
1010 }
1011 }
1013 return 0;
1014 }