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[web.git] / docs / uci_qos.txt
1 Quality of Service (qos-scripts) configuration
2 ==============================================
4 This is the documentation for the UCI configuration file '/etc/config/qos'.
6 *WARNING*: 'luci-app-qos' won't start until you enable the 'qos' Initscript within the System-->Startup tab as well as enable qos under Network-->QoS
9 == Sections
11 A minimal QoS configuration usually consists of:
13 * one _interface_ section
14 * some _rules_ allocating packets to at least two buckets
15 * _configuration_ of the buckets.
17 === Interface
19 Each Interface can have its own buffer. The 'interface' section declares global characteristics of the connection on which the specified interface is communicating. The following options are defined within this section:
21 ----
22 config interface dsl
23 option enabled 1
24 option classgroup "Default"
25 option overhead 1
26 option upload 512
27 option download 4096
28 ----
30 [cols="4*1,4",options="header"]
31 |====
32 | Name | Type | Required | Default | Description
33 | 'enabled' | boolean | yes | '1' | Enable/Disable QoS
34 | 'classgroup' | string | yes | 'Default' | Specify 'classgroup' used for this interface (see description of 'classgroup' below)
35 | 'overhead' | boolean | yes | '1' | decrease upload and download ratio to prevent link saturation
36 | 'download' | integer | yes | '4096' | Download limit in 'kilobits/second'
37 | 'upload' | integer | yes | '512' | Upload limit in 'kilobits/second'
38 |====
40 === Rules
42 Each 'classify' section defines one group of packets and which target (i.e. bucket) this group belongs to. All the packets share the bucket specified.
44 [cols="4*1,4",options="header"]
45 |====
46 | Name | Type | Required | Default | Description
47 | 'target' | bucket | yes | _(none)_ | The four defaults are: 'Priority, Express, Normal' and 'Bulk'
48 | 'proto' | string | no | '0' | Packets matching this protocol belong to the bucket defined in target
49 | 'srchost' | string | no | _(none)_ | Packets matching this source host(s) (single IP or in CIDR notation) belong to the bucket defined in target
50 | 'dsthost' | string | no | _(none)_ | Packets matching this destination host(s) (single IP or in CIDR notation) belong to the bucket defined in target
51 | 'ports' | integer | no | _(none)_ | Packets matching this, belong to the bucket defined in target
52 | 'srcports' | integer | no | _(none)_ | Packets matching this, belong to the bucket defined in target
53 | 'dstports' | integer | no | _(none)_ | Packets matching this, belong to the bucket defined in target
54 | 'portrange' | integer | no | _(none)_ | Packets matching this, belong to the bucket defined in target
55 | 'pktsize' | integer | no | _(none)_ | Packets matching this, belong to the bucket defined in target
56 | 'tcpflags' | string | no | _(none)_ | Packets matching this, belong to the bucket defined in target
57 | 'mark' | string | no | _(none)_ | Packets matching this, belong to the bucket defined in target
58 | 'connbytes' | int | no | _(none)_ | Packets matching this, belong to the bucket defined in target
59 | 'tos' | string | no | _(none)_ | Packets matching this, belong to the bucket defined in target
60 | 'dscp' | string | no | _(none)_ | Packets matching this, belong to the bucket defined in target
61 | 'direction' | string | no | _(none)_ | Packets matching this traffic direction ('in' or 'out') belong to the bucket defined in target
62 |====
64 === Classgroup
66 As we can have more then one interface, we can have more then one classgroup.
68 ----
69 config classgroup "Default"
70 option classes "Priority Express Normal Bulk"
71 option default "Normal"
72 ----
74 [cols="4*1,4",options="header"]
75 |====
76 | Name | Type | Required | Default | Description
77 | 'classes' | bucket names | yes | _(none)_ | Specifies the list of names of _classes_
78 | 'default' | bucket name | yes | _(none)_ | Defines which _class_ is considered default
79 |====
82 === Classes
84 Each Bucket has its own configuration.
86 Example:
87 ----
88 config class "Normal"
89 option packetsize 1500
90 option packetdelay 100
91 option avgrate 10
92 option priority 5
93 ----
95 [cols="4*1,4",options="header"]
96 |====
97 | Name | Type | Required | Default | Description
98 | 'packetsize' | integer | yes | _(none)_ | in bytes
99 | 'packetdelay' | integer | yes | _(none)_ | in ms
100 | 'maxsize' | integer | yes | _(none)_ | in bytes
101 | 'avgrate' | integer | yes | _(none)_ | Average rate for this class, value in % of bandwidth (this value uses for calculate vaues 'Nx' of ''tc ... hfsc rt m1 N1 d N2 m2 N3'')
102 | 'limitrate' | integer | no | 100 | Defines to how much percent of the available bandwidth this class is capped to, value in %
103 | 'maxsize' | integer | yes | _(none)_ | in bytes
104 | 'priority' | integer | yes | _(none)_ | in %
105 |====
107 === Classes (For Advanced Users)
109 Below is unverified technical breakdown of each /etc/config/qos class parameters.
111 ----
112 ### Params:
113 #
114 # maxsize:
115 # limits packet size in iptables rule
116 #
117 # avgrate: (note: sum(avgrates) ~ 100)
118 # rt m1 = avgrate / sum (avgrate) * max_bandwidth
119 # rt m2 = avgrate * max_bandwidth / 100
120 # ls m1 = rt m1
121 #
122 # packetsize & packetdelay: (only works if avgrate is present)
123 # rt d = max( packetdelay, 'time required for packetsize to transfer' ) (smaller ps -> smaller d)
124 # ls d = rt d
125 #
126 # priority:
127 # ls m2 = priority / sum (priority) * max_bandwidth
128 #
129 # limitrate:
130 # ul rate = limitrate * max_bandwidth / 100
131 ----
133 == Quick start guide
135 Install the qos-scripts package:
137 ----
138 opkg install qos-scripts
139 ----
141 Basic configuration using UCI command line:
143 ----
144 uci set qos.wan.upload=1000 # Upload speed in kBits/s
145 uci set # Download speed in kBits/s
146 uci set qos.wan.enabled=1
147 uci commit qos
148 ----
150 Start it and look for error output and test):
152 ----
153 /etc/init.d/qos start
154 ----
156 * Make script run at every boot up:
158 ----
159 /etc/init.d/qos enable
160 ----
162 == Troubleshooting
164 Look at the generated traffic control qdisc settings by running:
166 ----
167 tc qdisc
168 ----
170 The default (ie no-QoS-applied) values for any interface look like this:
172 ----
173 qdisc fq_codel 0: dev eth0 root refcnt 2 limit 1024p flows 1024 quantum 300 target 5.0ms interval 100.0ms ecn
174 ----
176 Any interface with only a single qdisc line printed, showing the same settings as this line (this one is for _dev eth0_), indicates no QoS on that interface.
178 Network interfaces with QoS enabled will have multiple qdisc lines printed, each corresponding to a QoS class, etc.
180 If the printed qdisc settings don't seem to be correct, you can preview the _tc_ commands generated from the OpenWRT _/etc/config/qos_ by running:
182 ----
183 /usr/lib/qos/ interface wan
184 ----
186 (Replace 'wan' with the UCI interface name you're debugging, as given in the _/etc/config/qos_ file.)
188 This should print a series of _insmod_ and _tc_ commands used to set up the QoS subsystem. You can debug any errors caused by running these commands by running:
190 ----
191 /usr/lib/qos/ interface wan | sh -x
192 ----
194 The output of _/usr/lib/qos/generate.sh_ is normally executed automatically as part of _/etc/hotplug.d/iface/10-qos_.